Lily Show 2018
South Saskatchewan Lily Society Show 2018
The 27th annual South Saskatchewan Lily Society Show was held at the Regina Northgate Mall on July 13-14th. There were 10 exhibitors who entered 74 stems and 12 floral arrangements. A display of florets invited our guests to “Just Look”. This display included golden oldies and many of the new varieties. Major Awards: Grand Champion – Best Stem in Show – “Karen North” exhibited by Dolores Nelson Jean Ericksen Award- Best Seedling Grown from Seed by Exhibitor –Lily 22-04-EC – Exhibitor Dolores Nelson Canada Pride – Best lily Hybridized by Canadian Breeder- Lily 22-04-EC – Exhibitor Dolores Nelson Making Cancer History- Best Species- Lily L. regale exhibited by Dolores Nelson Robert Erskine Award -The stem with the most buds and florets. Lily “Pink Flavor” Exhibited by Ron Sitter Sweepstake Award Given to the Exhibitor receiving the most First Place Ribbons in Horticultural Classes- Ron Sitter Best Floral Arrangements- “ Lilies in Clay” created by Viola Berwald. Best Novice Arrangement- “Flowers for a Summer Wedding” to be kept clean, fresh and simple. Created by Melva Towne |